Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ongoing bad luck or sheer coincidence??

I'm I unlucky?? Boy, I have to say yes...what exactly is bad luck?? I would say bad luck is when things never goes right in your life. Thingsyou can't controlled. Some people might take this as concidental events happenning. But me, I think I'm having a badluck year. Buy me a rabbit's foot, some charms, a horse's shoe or a four-leafed clover.....change my luck....

First, it was my house keys that have been left in the office for safe keeping...Somehow the keys were passed to the wrong person and end up lost. So I have to get a new set. Then I forgot my charger....not only my laptop charger but my phone charger. I end up having to borrow my friend's phone to use. Then, the laptop died on me. It's even worse now that it has to be send back to Acer to be repaired....sad sad sad....

I can't remember how many unlucky stuff happen all in this month. Yesterday another happened. This may not be actually badluck but I think of it as one. I went for some drinks with my friends. I usually could drink much more but God knows why I couldn't take three small glasses of beer. Ju dropped me off at my house and straight after I went into the lift I know something was wrong. I started to get all dizzy and well, visions get fuzzy. So as soon as I walked out of the lift, I walked to my house and sat on the stairs for awhile. Then, I knew it. I was going to puked my heart out. So I quickly open the door and well ran to the toilet. It was gross I have to say.

I remember walking in my house and well, I think I told my moom that I was dizzy ad I only drank three glasses. Then suddenly I told her I wanted to vomit and she told me to go to the toilet. As soon as I reach the toilet, I vomited. Which was really yucky. My mom laugh at me after that....luckily she wasn't angry....she just said I can't hold my liquor. I think I drank too fast. Still unlucky nia...haiz...after I vomited fortunately I felt better. So I end up cleaning up, drank a cup of tea and o to sleep.

Wha's next?? What is today's badluck event? I think I better go get a talisma (Is that how it's spelled?? ) or some charm....

P.S. I even lose some $$ playing cards with my cousins and aunts.....what a month...
P.P.S. I know I'm let me rant....It makes me feel better....So much better....

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