Friday, April 08, 2011

My first wedding dinner in Perlis.

The Sri Petani Seafood Restaurant presents to you the newly weds.

The wedding photos were very nice and it is taken in Penang. ^__^

If you really notice, you'll realise the ceiling is made of egg cartons.
Does this look like a family photo? Hehe

The bride and groom with us.
The food.

I got to go to a wedding dinner in Perlis. ^^
I'm so happy because I got to eat...haha. The food is pretty good. I love the mushroom dish.
The Diamond water boss's wedding. He invited all his workers and me, the ex-worker. ^__^
The day was rainy but I really enjoyed eating and listening to aunties and uncles singing old songs like they are singing for a competition..hehe. Of course, eating is always enjoyable. :P


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