And join us for a day of crazy Karaoke. I love karaoke sessions. We can always have lots of fun singing off-key or screaming. Happy days singing...hehe. The fun thing about karaoke rooms are no one but your friends can hear you sing. Even if you sing off-key, no one cares. We had fun singing Christmas songs and jumping all around. Nice~~
After that, a round of shopping. You know how I can't resist buying books. This time not buying would be too wasted. 3 in 1 of Cecilia Ahern's books for only RM59.90. How worth it is it? There's even a 20% discount for Popular Club Members (me lo..who else.?) So it's only RM 47.90. Books...My Christmas gift to myself. ^^
As most of you all know, I'm a big fan of romance novels. Never being able to resist them. Fiction novels are also a weakness of mine. Nicholas Spark's novels are pretty good too. So are Nora Roberts' books. I love her books. If only books aren't that expensive. I wish books are cheap cheap cheap. Like as cheap as sweets. Hehe..
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