Oh gosh, it's been a month already. I have wanted to blog about it since the 1st week but I guess I was so lazy. After working for 5 days a week from 8am to 5.30pm and getting stuck in the traffic jam afterwards before reaching home at 7pm, it's really tiring and my brain just didn't want to thinking of words to write.

Time flies. It seems like yesterday that I started on my 1st day at Motorola interning. It's one month already. Wow. 2 more months to go. I'm actually starting to like it actually.
I learnt quite a few stuff. I'm currently in the production line learning the ropes on the process and operations in the factory. There is still a lot that I can learn. Sometimes, my supervisor would tell me so many new things I have never heard of and I will go blur until he has to explain what it is.
It is great to get to learn rather than doing nothing. I like being busy at work. At least it is better than sitting in front of the computer doing nothing. The supervisor did ask me if working in production is boring since most of the things there is routine stuff. I don't think it is boring and I like routine..hehe. For the 1st week though, I actually spend a lot of time in front of the computer reading documents related to the production line. That was a little boring. Besides, there is still much I haven't learn and it is not exactly routine now because I haven't understand it all.
Motorola seems great except for it's not so nice uniform and it's location some 18km from my house. The traffic jam from my house to the industrial area is so hectic and every single road leading to Motorola is full of traffic. Besides that, pretty much anything I can handle. Oh ya, I do have 2 supervisors. One the actual one and one who I'm under everyday. So basically two of them give me work to do and well, it gets a little hectic at times but overall it is okay.
One important thing I learnt from the internship is I'm not very good with people. I've always know that I'm not a people-person because I'm not too friendly and I can't socialise well. So, the main problem in working at a factory as big as Motorola is communicating with others. It's scary. I need to buff up on talking to people or at least try. 1 month there and I still don't know of so many people in the office. Sucks right? And operators do bitch about people behind their backs. God knows what they say about me. The 1st shift operators would bitch about the other shift and vise versa. They even talk about the engineers though I usually don't listen and walk away.
My driving skill improve though but it's more like my driving has turn violent. I do cut queue even if I used to have this rule to myself to not cut queue. Guess the rule is broken. I got in late a few times to work. It was just a few minutes late though. I woke up late once at 7am and got a shock but miraculously I reach on time. I usually wake up at 6.30 and leave at 7.05 but that day I left at 7.15 and the 10 minutes does make a difference on road. The road would be even more jammed. I change route though so I reach in time at the dot.
In interning, I realised I don't remember much about what I learn in uni thus I'm starting over. Sometimes when the supervisor ask me whether I know about this or that, to tell you the truth, I did study about it but since it was some subject in the 1st year of uni or 2nd year, I don't remember much. I did learn how to use more of Microsoft Excel..haha. Supervisor said it is very useful. I'm kind of silly and he ended up teaching me how to sort data the easy way.
So, 1 month...I haven't learn much but I'm trying to learn more. Hopefully I get to learn a lot because that way it would be a great experience and not a waste of time.
