I read from a friend's Facebook page about birthdays and personalities.
Personally I think this kinda stuff is half true and half false. A person's surrounding and their own thinking personifies the person. Of course, I'm prone to believing this kind of things because I like reading them and justify and think whether that I'm this kind of a person.
Here's one...let me know if you think it is just like me.
An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and going into depth of each thing. Under normal circumstances you're cool but when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird. People look forward to you as an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You observe care in choosing your friends.
To me, the fashion bird thingy is tat bit wrong because I'm not really good in fashion stuffs. I do love quick wit though and I really admire people with quick wit. And yes, I do prefer quietness and exploring things and over-thinking something sometimes because I'm going into depth of each things. I really do not like talking to strangers because I'm not much of a talker but people feeling easy in my company? That I'm not sure.
So like I said, this kind of things are half truth and half invented stuff...even if I like reading them very much =)
Through sparkles or sprinkles, rain or shine, always believe in yourself. Through the rain, there's a brighter day. If there's a will, there's always a way. Always keep the faith.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Of birthdays and personalities
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Total eclipse of the moon
I spend almost the whole night staring at it. Haha...
Shall keep it as a memory of my uni life.
Spend the night looking at the moon and talking to my roomie.
Got my neck aching looking at it though..haha.
Great windy night with an awesome view.
Somehow I feel energised and have less worries.
I'm going to try my best studying for the upcoming exams.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Is it just me.....
I find myself preferring to be alone and doing things on my own.
Just listening to music and day dream around.
Being home is great as I really get to spend time with my family yet still have the time to just lock myself in the room and enjoy the solitude.
I'm too much of a loner and introvert these days.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Old movies...those were the days...
Got me caught up in the memories of watching the old drama and ended up watching them on YouTube. They were so much fun back then and I remember being a fan of Zhao Wei and Su You Peng couple. Hehe. Too bad Zhao Wei got married already. I always had hopes that they will marry. They didn't unlike in the dramas. :P
I guess you think I'm crazy but back then, watching all these dramas was really enjoyable and makes life so less complicated unlike now. There's a few dramas that they starred in where I would spend every night waiting just to watch it.
I think the drama series starring them which I really like the ending would be Old House Has Joy or 老房有喜. There's a quote that I used to really love in the show. I can't remember it though..I'll write it down if I remember the whole thing correctly.
For now, here's some songs from the drama.
P.S. I finally found the quote I was looking for. It's in mandarin actually but I'm translating it.
"I want you to known that in this world, no matter when or where you will be, there will always be someone waiting for you."
Me likey~~ ^^
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
The spending
2. Sing at a karaoke (waste of money and time to entertain myself and imitate singers)
3. Facial treatment (make myself pretty so that I won't hate myself more and get pampered by people by paying them.)
4. Get a haircut (hair getting too heavy and hard to manage and of course make myself prettier)
5. Eat yummy but full of cholesterol fast food (to eat something you craving for but end up feeling guilty after consumption)
All of the above are convincing evidence that I'm a spendthrift but a very satisfied spendthrift even though I'm feeling guilty now that I have spend all that cash. >.<
I wish I have more cash that I don't feel guilty over spending. But oh well, money is for making people happy. And I'm happy even if a little guilty :P
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Oops oops....
It's time to bring the boys out. Oops oops...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Bad luck...Car no battery,,,
Superstitious...my eye was keep having spasms yesterday and on the right side. According to superstitious stuff, it's consider bad luck.
Indeed, bad luck occurred. Got a very bad flu and couldn't sleep well the whole night and just now even the car broke down on me. Luckily it was at Wang Ulu. The battery died and had to ask a mechanic to come and replaced it. Cost me RM240...kek sim nia. My money~~~
Haiz...I'll consider it good luck that it spoiled now or else when I go back next week, if it broke down then, then I have no help. Always need to view a glass of milk half full.....
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Pudding Face craze
Prepare a paper bag for my syiok sendiri-ness just in case you wanna vomit. :P
If you're thinking what the hell is pudding face and what the heck am I talking about...well, it's an application where you upload your photo and it compares your face with Korean celebrities. I got addicted to it these few days. I actually tried more than 10 photos of myself in different styles. Hehehe...
It's actually pretty fun. I got carried away with the application as it was just plain funny. Some of the celebrities the app say I look like was like super pretty and I doubt I look like them but haha...for fun. It kinda gives me a chance to be a narcissist. :P
Here's some of the celebs. Let's see if you can recognise some of them. Kekeke...answers at the bottom. Pardon all the act-cute selcas I did. ;-)
Celeb 2= 81% alike is Song Ji-Eun from the Korean girl group Secret.
Celeb 3= 71% alike is Shin Min-a. If anyone watch Korean drama would recognised her from the drama 'My Girlfriend Is A Nine Tailed Fox'. Very pretty and sweet like me ^^
Celeb 4= 71% alike is Bae Doona. I've never seen her before. I googled and she starred in quite a few dramas and films.
Celeb 5= 61% alike is Shin Ae-ra. I heard of her name but never seen her anywhere...haha.
Celeb 6= 43% alike is Im Yoona ^^ from SNSD. Haha...so happy to look even 43% like her.
Celeb 7= 34% alike is Moon Geun-young. Korean's little sister. Starred in so many dramas like Cinderella's Sister, Mary Stayed Out All Night and even in films like A Tale of Two Sisters, My Little Bride and Innocent Steps.
Celeb 8= 19% alike is Im Yoona again...wheee....haha.
If you notice the small boxes at the lower corner of each photo, I even look like Taeyeon, Jessica, Seohyun from SNSD, there's even Hyelim from Wondergirls, Goo Hara from Kara and some actresses I recognised but can't remember their names. The best thing is there's even a guy in the photo, Moon Heejun.
On top of the photo at the right corner, it states the age of my face according to the photo I uploaded and percentage of male or female my face looks like. I notice if I wear specs then the percentage of me being a guy goes up. =.= Haha....the app really is a bit crazy but I LIKE IT!! LOL...
For those of you who wanna give your level of narcissism a boost, click here. Don't worry about not understanding a thing. Just click on the grey box to upload a photo less than 400kb. Then googled the person you look like if you want to find out more. Korea have such interesting stuff to play with. ^^
Happie birthday, Donghae oppa ^^
Friday, October 14, 2011
FYP blues
To think back I was dreading uni life when I came in the 1st year. Now I'm like praying for it to not end so fast because I don't want to enter the working world. >.<
Like I said in the post before, it's an eventual thing. Like it's an eventual thing that we will all die in the end of our life. It's an eventual thing for me to grow up and be part of the working world.
FYP, to all those who don't know what it is, stands for Final Year Project. Some sort like a research or experiment that we need to conduct based on what we have learn in previous years and make a report out of it. It's like a lab experiment only at a bigger scale.
I don't know if I gotten lucky to get one of my choices of the FYP title and landed a pretty good lecturer or in for a tough luck. I'm actually worried that I can't live up to his expectation. The FYP only started for 2 weeks and guess what? I've already completed Chapter 1. Not that there wasn't any correction to be made, I still have to do the formatting and all but basically I really did completed Chapter 1. Albeit it was only 4 pages. ^^
Lot's of journal studies need to be done and even with my speed of reading, it kinda makes me very tiring to read all those research journals and books. On top of that, my lecturer actually wants at least 40 references meaning I have to read more than 40 journals. I can imagine myself reading 40 novels and already it will bore me out. So just imagine reading 40 lengthy journals with absolutely no sense of entertainment in them. Oh the horror!!
Enough said, I'm pretty open to the challenge even if I do complain too much at times. My roommate hear all my complaints all the time and now you. I need to be optimistic and who knows, something good might come out from believing in yourself. I actually do have confidence in completed the whole project. It is just that I'm way to impatient to get this thing to end. And knowing me, when it ends I will miss it for sure.
End of Indutrial Training
It was like a nanosecond ago that I was still in industrial training (that was like 3 months ago ^^)and now I'm at my fourth year of uni already. It's into the 4th week in fact. How scary is that?
Internship was good. Not that I learn much but I did learn something at least. Still am bad at communication skills though :P Got to know people and went to a orchestra with them and actually went on a Hadyai trip with them. It was quite a fun trip too. My first trip to Hadyai by car. We went to quite a few places in Hadyai. I'm actually very introvert and I was lucky people were nice enough to strike a conversation with me because I never open my mouth 1st..lol.
The thing that surprised me the most is my supervisor actually giving me quite a high marks. He sign everything I pass to him and give me quite good marks. I guess he was nice enough. I always thought he was scary but he's actually kinda nice. My one regret is not taking photos with anyone. :P
I guess internship did give me a brief view on what working is about and it made me even more reluctant to finish my degree. With less than a year to graduation, I'm actually terrified. It's an eventual thing though.
To end this very belated post, here's a photo of my trip to Hadyai. That's me at the left hand side.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Happy belated birthday to me =)

Monday, August 22, 2011
First Love 2010

This is definitely a must watch especially for those of you who like me, adore romantic movies. The movie is funny, heartwarming and so sweet at the same time. Even if I don't understand Thai, there's always the subtitles..hehe. And of course it helps a lot that the main actor is such a hottie. He is so cute~~ The actress is also very very pretty. Thai people really are beautiful.
The synopsis:
First Love (Crazy Little Thing Called Love), is about a schoolgirl and her undying crush on the school’s heartthrob jock, portrayed by Mario Maurer.
The ordinary 14 year old girl, named Nam, played by Pimchanok Luevisetpaibool, is at first an ugly duckling nerd with glasses. Nam is unattractive or what the other girls jeer saying she has a bug face. But she's always been secretly in love with an older guy in grade 10 called Chon, the most popular student in high-school. He's hot, perfect and generous, and that's what makes girls go crazy about him, including Nam too. But she doesn't give up easily.
Over one summer, she ditches the spectacles and has her skin lightened. She is cast as Snow White in the school play and lands a spot as the leggy drum majorette leading the marching band. She sets hearts aflutter, but not, it seems, the school’s soccer star. She tries to do everything to make her get noticed by the boy she loves, in the hope of him turning around to look at her just one more time.
Here's the trailer even though it's a 2010 movie. I hope there will be a sequel. I read on the internet there is one. ^^Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The Last Song

Anyway, both the book and movie was great. I loved it. I have to admit Miley Cyrus as the main actress in the movie as 'Ronnie' aka Veronica Miller was not a good choice to me because I keep thinking of Hannah Montana and it make me like the character in the book better because I can imagine myself what Ronnie would look like.
In the end, I always felt that I will always prefer the book over the movie because even though pictures paint a thousand words, I rather read a thousand words than look at pictures. Funny how I felt that way. Words influence me more...a pen is mightier than a sword to me. Or rather I can let my imagination run wild with words than pictures.
What attracts me the most is the plot of the story. I cried my heart out when I read the book and when I watched the movie. I already knew the story and still cried at the ending of the movie. Silly right?
I think that's one of the attraction of Nicholas Sparks' novels. He really know how to pull you into the characters and feel them. The story is about the relationship of families, a father and a daughter/son, friends and your loved ones. To quote from a website I read on the review "It presents the realities of life and how each decisions we make affects and makes us who we are."
One of the best novels I've read so far and one of those that make me so touched that I cried. It seems I always cry when I find something touching lately. Too sensitive ish ish ish...
Monday, August 08, 2011
Sing sing Singapore
Still enjoying my holidays in Singapore.
Spending more money on food instead of shopping.
So broke so broke...
I need more cash.
I saw a nice dress but it cost too much. T.T
Suddenly thought of...
If I have a daughter, I want to name her either Elise or Erika...hahahaha...
Crazy right??
Monday, August 01, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I have to admit I do that all the time but sometimes it still annoys me how some people do.
I guess I'm being prejudice to certain people but things certain people say, I'll take it in a way you're insulting me or my friends or saying something bad about us.
You're obviously indirectly insulting a friend of mine and that's something I don't take lightly.
I'm not as oblivious as I seem so please don't pretend.
Cleo Star Seach Tour 2011
But for now...drums roll~~
The tour is still in Penang. Today they are at Gurney so go down and have fun playing model for the day. LOL. You'll get some RM130 goodies and a Cleo magazine for the RM35 makeover.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Kopi Cine
The atmosphere is pretty nice and there's even a reading room for those bookworms like me. We went in the afternoon so it was pretty hot and humid especially these few days. Just a simple teatime outing for us to chitchat about.
Food is great albeit a bit pricey. The tiramisu is really yummy. The drink I ordered caramel with gula melaka ice-cream drink. Yummy but really sweet. For the sweet tooth only. In the menu there's a huge assortment of wine list for those wine lovers.
There are actually crayons and white paper for you to doodle on the table as the table is covered in white paper but the table we sat in does not have it. :( If there is a next time, I'll go scribble something. Hehe.
Something new to try. The food is unique. Yum~~
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Wedding bells are ringing...
Oh well...forget about it. The night is for the newly weds and it was a party. Great buffet food. Yummy~~

Sunday, June 26, 2011
To like or not to like

It just dawned on me that I would need only one small reason just to dislike a person.
And usually if I dislike someone, then I will dislike them for a long time unless something serious changes my mind.
When you insult singers I like...haha or flaunt your wealth or make fun of people...that might cause me to dislike you. I may dislike someone just because of their voice or looks or some gesture they made but I think I usually dislike someone mainly because I don't like their attitude or it just means I'm jealous of him/her...haha. For example, I dislike the person in the Gatsby commercial simply because he looks annoying or better in cantonese Yong Sui. Hehe...see? It's such a simply reason to dislike a person.
What I dislike best are people who insult others or talk behind people's back. Not that I don't talk behind people's back but there's always a limit to saying things about others and I usually only talk about stuff like that to my closest friends. Many of them know how critical I am of people and being a hypocrite simply because sometimes I would act the same way and don't judge my own mistakes. Yada yada yada I know it but I can't help it.
Same goes to liking someone. I may like you because of some small reason like how you like the same kind of songs like me. Or you like reading stuff I do or simply because I'm comfortable with you. Or maybe looking awkward in a crowd just like me. Or maybe it's because you have nice pretty eyes or a great smile or speak such fluent English or just by being so charismatic and smart...hahahaha. Or maybe when someone does a good gesture for me. The simplest things would made me like someone.
However Liking and Disliking is only a dis-tance away. One minute you may dislike a person the next you may like he or she. You'll never know...
It's the durian season!!
1. Wash your hands with water poured into the shell of the durian. Then your hands wouldn't smell that much. I tried it. It works..haha.
2. Drink water from the shell too. Apparently it can reduce heat. ^^ Don't prick yourself with the thorns though..haha.
Food!! Manhattan Fish Market
This is from Manhattan Fish Market. We ate till we couldn't get it all in and had to tapau. There's even a RM10 nett deal for students still ongoing. Flash your student ID ^^
The food was not bad. The fish and chips I ordered was pretty yummy even though I ordered something else and the order came wrongly but never mind that since most of the waiters were nice enough except for one Malay guy (the one who got my order wrong..no is did not write down my order.) He made a mistake and still insist I didn't order. The other waitresses were nicer. In fact whenever we requested ketchup or mayo or a spoon, they would bring it for us.
Being the stingy people we are, we shared a glass of Coca Cola...haha.
A day at the office
I dread the end of LI because that means I have to hand up my report and do a presentation.
I still don't know what to write on. I still don't know what I learn that can be made into a presentation.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
When I'm old...
I don't want to be a responsibility no one wants to take on.
I rather just get sick and just die.
I don't want to let people think of me as a burden and argue about it.
When I get sick and old, no one needs to argue over how to take care of me or sending me to an old folks home or hiring a maid to take care of me.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The sad truth..
Have they forgotten how their parents raised them up and become who they are today? They can afford to give money to their children yet they cannot spare some time for their parents. Don't think money is everything. Everyone can give money, I myself can give it. Only excuses and excuses...
This is how you repay everything they done for you. Really fantastic...
Saturday, June 18, 2011
After a day of work, I still went out with the girls from SGGS. I thought I still have energy to do this kind of stuff but it seems I am not longer very interested with clubbing. There's just the excitement of spending time with my friends and no longer going in to clubs.
Have I gone old? Hahaha...I think this kind of stuff no longer suits me (not that I ever was a clubbing kaki). I pretty much was getting sleepy at 1 something am last night. I got too used to sleeping before 12 for work. Haiz... I got back at 3am yesterday. I sleep like a log till this morning.
The best discovery of yesterday is knowing I can't no longer handle much alcohol. I drank 4 short glasses and fantastically I vomited. =.= Seriously, why do people drink alcohol when it taste sucky and bitter and you get a burning taste when it goes down your throat?
All in all, yesterday night was an experience. A first for many people and I did have fun before I got sick of the alcohol but the club was a little disappointing. Not as fun I would have thought.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Forgive and forget? NOT!!
There was a chance of winning in primary school in some sport event. To a 10 year old girl that time who train super hard for it, it's hard to forget how we almost win but did not. There's always the resentment in my mind that someone cause the lose. Well, this was eons ago but I can remember it clearly still. Maybe it's myself that cause a loss but I don't care....I'm a sore loser....haha.
I will always dislike the person and that is something I can't help but do. There are many instance in life that someone said something to hurt me or offend me and seriously if I really resent it, I will remember it. It's like a wound that will always leave a scar.
Revengeful aren't I..
It's just the same like how sometimes I might say something to offend someone or hurt them. It won't change much even if I apologise because some things just can't be erased. There will always be a scar in your heart. Just like how the scar would slowly fade in time, then you'll slowly forget about it not necessarily you already forgiven that person...
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Chillis with my parents
Dad complained that it was too expensive. He said we could have ate 3 meals of normal Chinese restaurant dinner. The truth is it's kinda expensive haha but since it's very rarely that I ever treat them, I don't really mind.
Here's the food we ordered and the bill totaled to around RM 130 with drinks I think.
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Random internship stuff
My supervisor complimented me saying I made a good observation today.
Haha...don't know why but I'm so happy for that comment.
But I felt he just said it to make me feel better...haha. Because I felt I didn't do a good job.
I really need to see if I can improve anything in the production.
My internship grade depends on it.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Ice-cream (Joo and Teukie)
A recent song by JOO and Ee Teuk. The song is really sweet that you'll get tooth ache from all the sweetness..haha. The lyrics are simple but I think it's really cute and sweet. Though I find it funny that the song is titled Ice Cream and the word only came out once. Anyway, I get it. It means his love is so sweet like ice-cream that he melted like ice-cream melting..haha.
yeojaramyeon jeonbu da ireoneun geolkka haru yeoldubeondo gibuni bakkwilkka
al geot gatdagado eoryeopda eoryeopda neottaeme meori apa[JOO]
namjadeureun jeongmal da moreuneun geolkka mal hanmadiga jungyohangeol
waemolla naemaeumeul babo sarangdo motaebwasseonagateun saram eodi eobseulkkeol
neoneun tukhamyeon aicheoreom mame andeureo jibegallae
geureol ttaemajeo nan useumina hwado motnae na eojjeoda ireolkka[JOO]
geugeon oppaga jal aljanha naega gakkeum jom meotdaero gulginhaedo
ttak hansaramman johahae nan neon naekkeoya neon naekkeoya geureonmaeum ppuningeoya[LeeTeuk]
hwaga nangeotgata oneuldo aesseotda geumbang pullideoni baesisi utneunda
himi deuldagado nongneunda nongneunda neottaeme maennal noga[JOO]
aesseuneungeot gata oneureun bwajunda geureon moseup deouk gwiyeoungeol
gomawo neo ttaemune oneul harudo dalkomhaesseonagateun saram eodi eobseulkkeol
neoneun tukhamyeon aicheoreom mame andeureo jibegallae
geureol ttaemajeo nan useumina hwado motnae na eojjeoda ireolkka[JOO]
geugeon oppaga jal aljanha naega gakkeum jom meotdaero gulginhaedo
ttak hansaramman johahae nan neon naekkeoya neon naekkeoya geureonmaeum ppuningeoya[LeeTeuk]
nuga mworaedo (JOO: naesaramingeol) eonjekkajina (JOO: uri duriman)
neorang narangman saranghalkkeoya[LeeTeuk]
neoneun tukhamyeon aicheoreom mame andeureo jibegallae
geureol ttaemajeo nan useumina hwado motnae na eojjeoda ireolkka[JOO]
geugeon oppaga jal aljanha naega gakkeum jom meotdaero gulginhaedo
ttak hansaramman johahae nan neon naekkeoya neon naekkeoya geureonmaeum ppuningeoya[LeeTeuk]
aiseukeurim gateun ni mare noga almyeonseodo tto maebeon soga
seupgwan doebeorilkka geokjeongdoedo oneuldo tto utgomara eotteokhae[JOO]
urin geuraeseo duringeoya nado neoege wanjeonhi ppajyeobeoringeol
mwol eotteokhae mwol eotteokhae neon naekkeoya neon naekkeoya geu mamimyeon doeneungeoya[Both]
duriraseo joheungeoya
Credit: Park SanTeuk | isuperteuk.wordpress.com[LeeTeuk]
Are women all the same?
Their mood changes twelve times a day
I think I know but I really don’t. It’s Hard, hard
My head hurts becaue of you[JOO]
No man really knows
A word is so important
Why don’t you understand my heart?
Fool you never fell in loveThere is no one like me
You are like a child sometimes
I don’t like it. I am going home.
It makes me laugh when you say that
I can’t get angry. What happened to me?[JOO]
You know it better
I am selfish sometimes
But I only one person
You belong to me, you belong to me
It’s all I have[LeeTeuk]
I tried to please you again becasue you seemed to be angry
You got better soon and smiled
It’s hard but then I get melted melted
I get melted every day because of you[JOO]
I will take that because you are trying
You look cuter now
Thank you
Make it another sweet dayThere’s none like me
You are like a child sometimes
I don’t like it. I am going home.
It makes me laugh when you say that
I can’t get angry. What happened to me?[JOO]
You know it better
I am selfish sometimes
But I only one person
You belong to me, you belong to me
It’s all I have[LeeTeuk]
No matter what they say (JOO: You are mine)
Forever (JOO: Just the two of us)
You and I will love each other forever[LeeTeuk]
I get melted when I hear your sweet words like ice cream
I know what you mean but I believe you again
I am worried
But I laugh again today. What shall I do?[JOO]
That’s why we are two
I completely in love with you
What can I do, what can I do?
You belong to me, you belong to me
Love is all that matters[Both]
Two is better than one
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Taking the lead
I read this in a few hours. It was so nice. I love it.
Here's the synopsis...
The book has a very interesting story telling from the point of view of Theodora and Jonas. The story keeps going and it makes me want to see them meet because they really are meant for each other. I think reading this book will make anyone keep urging them to meet. I simply love happily ever after....