Through sparkles or sprinkles, rain or shine, always believe in yourself. Through the rain, there's a brighter day. If there's a will, there's always a way. Always keep the faith.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
TVXQ hwaiting!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A cat got under my car..
A small little kitten climbed into my car underneath the hood. Then, it refused to come out even when I started the engine. Juin tried to coax it out with tidbits but no, the stupid kitten don't want to come out.
I think we spend more than 15 minutes trying to get it to come out. The kitten did came out but it end up climbing into the bottom near the exhaust pipe. Finally Juin's mom took a long stick to push it out. The poor little kitten was shivering with fright because a dog came by to look at it too....the kitten finally was taken away by a neighbour who will put it in a safe place I guess...
Thus, this is a story about how a cat got under my car...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Happy, happy, happy Bubble....
The CF Donghae and Kyuhyun starred in. Donghae is so cute in here. This is the 1st video I uploaded and it's on Donghae and Kyuhyun...haha. Donghae and Kyuhyun have been selected as Happy Bath’s new spokespersons. Together with actress Han Ji-min, the trio has filmed a music video advertisement for Happy Bath with the new song “Happy Bubble.”
The commercial flick is so cute...makes me want to dance and sing along too. In case you don’t understand the video, the trio transforms into workers at a supermarket and put on an event with their song and dance. Then people start buying their products...Yippee...haha...the dance is so cute.. The song is cutesy and catchy...I like it.
Credits to Popseoul. I got it from there..^.^Donghae looks really cute in the CF...teehee.. I think I repeated this like a few times d...hehe..
Just realised loading a video onto the blog is kinda slow....=.=...haha..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
1. A random guy/girl comes up to you and says 'hey babe?' you say?
I'll probably just walk away rather than say anything....
2. What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
Water and medicine....I'm craving for some REAL food right now. Rather than eating sick people's food...
3. What does your last text message say?Sent or recieved?
Sent: Hey. You still awake? Can I call you..(Yup my last message was that...)
Received: Hey, I just heard that you having a fever..U ok? Get some rest..Drink more water...(Thanks for caring...Jane...sorry I didn't reply you ask i sudah tidur.)
4a. The last song you listened to?
AiNi AiNi by SuJu M <3
4b. What song is stuck in your head?
Neorago by SuJu and Genie by SNSD...(There's still alot of songs...too lazy to type them out..I will just sing them all out of a sudden sometimes..)
5. What's irritating you this very moment?
Feeling sick, having to take meds and stuck at home. (Not that I don't love my home...^-^)
6. Where are the rest of your family right now?
Mum: Just went out to the supermarket
Dad: In the kitchen
Lil Bro: Just next to me on the computer..
7. What did you do yesterday?
Went to Kangar in the morning. Went back to hostel to pack and then follow Loo Wen's car home. Got home...sleep because of fever. fainted because of fever. Went to Adventist Hospital because of fever. Got home...eat, take meds, sleep.
8. Pick a scar on your body, how'd you get it?
A scar on my knee. Fell while trying to learn how to cycle. Got a few scars because of that but hey I can ride a bicycle after that...
9 . What do you want to do when you get out of Secondary school?
More like did...I'm now in uni already. But what I wanted to do then was get a part time job and earn some cash and go shopping and travelling...haha
10. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
Probably add a Michelle in front of my name...but I won't change my chinese name...i use to hate it but I like it now...haha
11. Do you tan easily?
Not really unless i don't put sunblock on and stand in the sun for a very long time.
12. What do you hate most about your school?
Uni...the ulu-ness of my hostel...can't go anywhere unless I take the uni bus or call a cab. (Should drive there soon)
13. On your bed, what's your favorite thing?
My romance novels...haha. Love reading them at night before I go to sleep.
14. Last time you took a plane where was it to?
Kuala Lumpur...I only went on a plane once when I was a kid. Can't wait for the next one..
15. What's the first thing you would do with the five million bucks?
I will save 1.5 million. Give 1.5 million to my parents. Slurge on 1/2 million shopping and books. Treat my friends with the another 1/2 million. Donate 1/2 to charity and another 1/2 to my alma-mater I guess...
16. What's one toy you remember having in the 90's?
Barbie dolls...haha.
17a. If you had a son what would you name him?
Aiden? Haha...Donghae's Christian name. Tristan, Edward, Nicholas, Daniel and Nathaniel....there's a lot more names I like...hehe..
17b. If you had a daughter what would you name her?
Definitely Elisse or Erika...can't think of a nice Chinese name yet so I'll wait till I actually have a child...haha...
18. Which of your friends do you argue with most?
Argue? More like bickering sometimes. Hui Ping haha....
19 . What's your dream job?
Something that pays a lot but I will enjoy doing.
20 . If you could have any car what would it be?
Toyota Camry, Vios, Nissan Sentra, Selphy...
21 . What's your favorite breakfast?
Peanut butter jelly bread, Cheese omelette or pancakes...
22 . If you could get any piercing what would it be?
No more for me...two at both of my earlobes are enough...haha.
23. How about a tattoo?
A small butterfly at my back shoulder blade? Maybe one at my ankle...I am afraid of pain though so maybe I wouldn't dare to do it.
24. What's a movie you want to see in the theatres?
The Proposal? I want to watch Sandra Bullock.
25. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
11 hours because I was sick....
26. What TV show do you wish you could live in?
Some show with all my favourite stars...So I can look at them every single day..haha.
27. What video game do you play most often?
Recently I got addicted to The Sims 3...someone introduce me to it...
28. What are you wearing right now?
A jacket and night clothes.
Hui Ping, Jane, Juin, Siaw Ping, Hui Ting, Angelyn...can't name only three..haha.
21/09/1988...I dunno anymore..
Watch TV, Blogging, Checking my e-mail...
Read a nice novel, watch SuJu or TVXQ doing funny stuff, watch my favourite show...
Kick-boxing, Dancing, Learning new things (i'm serious)
THREE PERSONS YOU MISS: My family and friends....
THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE ITEMS: Bed, Laptop and Books!!!
THREE GIRLS' NAMES: Nicole, Keira, Michelle
THREE GUYS' NAMES: Daniel, Tyler, Nicholas
Mickey Mouse, Mizuki& Sano Izumi- HanaKimi
THREE MALLS YOU USUALLY GO TO: Gurney Plaza, Queensbay Mall and Sunshine..haha
McD, Domino's Pizza, Sakae Sushi (Is it count as fastfood??)
THREE FAVORITE DRINKS: Plain water, Coca cola, Apple Juice
THREE THINGS FOUND IN YOUR [HAND]BAG:Bottle of water, Wallet, Handphone
Phew...didn't know it was this long...finally finished...

Sunday, August 09, 2009
I like to think it's luck...
I apologised if I was a bit cranky that day. I was actually really excited to see everyone but I was still in some kind of bad mood because of the afternoon incident and well I was really tired. Usually if I go back to Penang all I want to do is sleep in my bed. I can't help but miss that unruly room of mine sometimes. The Harry Potter movie was long I have to say. Since I didn't read the book and although I know quite a bit of the story I wouldn't say it wasn't nice because I like the Ron and Hermione parts but the movie was a bit long. Of course to put in such a thick book into a movie is really a tough job.
(Well this is going to be a long post again with my oh-so-frequent long stories of my daily happenings...I can't help but write it long...Sorry)
Then after that, we went to eat at the Gurney hawker stalls. I have a bowl of tau hua which I must say I miss a lot. I didn't eat actually the whole afternoon but I ate only one bowl of tau hua and a corn. I wasn't having much of an appetite then. After that we went for a drink which I have to say was expensive. 1 glass of honey lemon for RM6? How much can a slice of lemon and a tablespoon of honey cost?
The next day, we went to Redbox again to sing karaoke. It seems everytime we have holidays we will go to RedBox...haha. I like it though..hehe. Then we went and watch another movie. I don't even know the actual title but there's Loius Koo and Barbie Hsu in it. It was really hilarious. Something to release stress. We then went to the Chocolate Boutique. I really like the chocolate with the coffee bean inside but it was really expensive so I didn't buy it. We went for early dinner in New World Park. Char Koay Teow....very nice...
I got scolded by my mom though for not spending time at home even when I came back. She was right as usual. I didn't even visited my grandparents and last week I forgot to wish my grandfather Happy 60th birthday. Happy Belated 60th Birthday, Ah Kong!! I am feeling guilty right now. I'm so sorry...Mianhae..
Today I managed to go to PC Fair with my mom and Hui Ping. I bought only a Karpersky anti-virus for Siew Yin and some empty dvds. My mom bought two pendrives and Hui Ping actually bought a lot of stuff. She memang banyak kaya...haha. We had lunch and I have to go back after that. Sad...
But, I was in better luck today in catching a bus home. I reached Butterworth around 2.40 and managed to buy a ticket for a 3pm bus. I was really happy. Then when I reach Kangar, a senior ask me to tumpang his car back. I don't even know this guy. I actually seen him a couple of times in Wang Ulu and sort of recognised him but I don't know his name. If the usual me, I probably will say no thanks and take the bus back. I don't know what was going on in my mind today, I ride on the car back with him. He was really helpful so I just say thanks for the ride and hey I got back half an hour earlier than I could have if I took the bus. Luckily I took his offer or else I wouldn't have water to shower. I got out of the shower and half and hour later, there is no water again. Phew, thanks to the senior I got to shower...haha.
Still have plenty of assignment to do but here I am blogging again. should continue with my assignment now. Jya...
P.S. Just want to thank Siaw Ping for her pink rose. Sorry I didn't spend much time with you even when you came home all the way from Singapore...