I'm I unlucky?? Boy, I have to say yes...what exactly is bad luck?? I would say bad luck is when things never goes right in your life. Thingsyou can't controlled. Some people might take this as concidental events happenning. But me, I think I'm having a badluck year. Buy me a rabbit's foot, some charms, a horse's shoe or a four-leafed clover.....change my luck....
First, it was my house keys that have been left in the office for safe keeping...Somehow the keys were passed to the wrong person and end up lost. So I have to get a new set. Then I forgot my charger....not only my laptop charger but my phone charger. I end up having to borrow my friend's phone to use. Then, the laptop died on me. It's even worse now that it has to be send back to Acer to be repaired....sad sad sad....
I can't remember how many unlucky stuff happen all in this month. Yesterday another happened. This may not be actually badluck but I think of it as one. I went for some drinks with my friends. I usually could drink much more but God knows why I couldn't take three small glasses of beer. Ju dropped me off at my house and straight after I went into the lift I know something was wrong. I started to get all dizzy and well, visions get fuzzy. So as soon as I walked out of the lift, I walked to my house and sat on the stairs for awhile. Then, I knew it. I was going to puked my heart out. So I quickly open the door and well ran to the toilet. It was gross I have to say.
I remember walking in my house and well, I think I told my moom that I was dizzy ad I only drank three glasses. Then suddenly I told her I wanted to vomit and she told me to go to the toilet. As soon as I reach the toilet, I vomited. Which was really yucky. My mom laugh at me after that....luckily she wasn't angry....she just said I can't hold my liquor. I think I drank too fast. Still unlucky nia...haiz...after I vomited fortunately I felt better. So I end up cleaning up, drank a cup of tea and o to sleep.
Wha's next?? What is today's badluck event? I think I better go get a talisma (Is that how it's spelled?? ) or some charm....
P.S. I even lose some $$ playing cards with my cousins and aunts.....what a month...
P.P.S. I know I'm ranting...so let me rant....It makes me feel better....So much better....
Through sparkles or sprinkles, rain or shine, always believe in yourself. Through the rain, there's a brighter day. If there's a will, there's always a way. Always keep the faith.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hey, guys...a brand new year...a brand new beginnings. CNY is all about reunion, celebration and parties...haha....Will blog about it later...Today I heard it on the radio about the sun eclipse. In olden Chinese days, it is believed that when the sun undergoes eclipse, it's because the dog of heaven has eaten it...the dog from Er Lang Sheng remember?? (I don't know what it is called in Chinese) So the dog has taken a bite out of the sun or moon, we have to chase it away. Old beliefs say we have to take out drums, pails or bucket and beat them loudly to chase the dog away. So the sun will get bright again...hehe.. I heard this on the radio so what a story olden days people believe......hehehe. Unfortunately, I didn't get to witness the sun eclipse because my view was blocked by tall buildings and I can't see it from my grandpa's house.....I was a bit miffed and wanted to go down and try to see it but my grandpa says it's impossible to view it at that area because all the buildings block it....so sad....the bad thing about living in the city...your view are always blocked by buildings....I saw in on tv though haha...So that's all today...Happy CNY everyone and may you get lots of red packets....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Spring cleaning and a new year..
Everyone is excited about the coming Chinese New Year. I am too but the thing I most dread every year before CNY is spring cleaning. It's takes lots off time and is really tiring. I spend half of the day in the last day in the chinese lunar calender cleaning the ktchen...helping my mom clean the kitchen is tiring. We had to clean the grease off this and that and wash this and that....Sweep the floor, mop the loor, wipe the counter and cupboards...Lot's of things to do before the new year. I found one useful tip though....it's from some magazine I read about....Use soda bicarbonate to clean of grease and make metal surface really shiny. I was just going to try and give it a shot but it works really well afer I tried it. Can save money on buying liquid washer and all....haha...
The reunion dinner is tonight....Going to have dinner in my grandpa's house. It's the first time in many years we actually have more than 4 people having reunion dinner. Usually it's just my parents, my brother and me...Just a simple meal at home and watching tv...hehe. This year my mom decide to join my aunts and uncles and my grandpa to have dinner. Hope the food will be yummy...it's tonight so I can't wait to have some yummy food...
Happy Chinese New Year everyone.....May the new year bring you lot's of happiness and properity....Xin Nian Kuai Le....Gong Xi Fa Cai....hope this year I will get lots of angpows...hahahaha....
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Malaysian attitude gone wrong...
Yes, I'm referring to myself as well. To think that we are a 3rd world country on the bounds and leaps of modernisation. A country of great leaders and fascinating history. A country with warm climate all year and a great tourism site. We still have people with the attitude of unrespectful, ignorant and idiotic moron. Malaysian....maybe just a part of us...have you learn to be respectful and humble? Polite maybe? Didn't your mother thought you this when you were small? So do you think of yourself to be superior to me? Think highly of yourself do you? Pushing people and screaming for us to not push when it was YOU who was pushing? I don't care for that attitude BITCH!! I would have punched you in the face if I was less civilised than YOU are. You pissed me off....to think you are a university student yourself. I say you are a disgrace. I might be refering this to myself even but I say you must be so much worst than me if you consider screaming at people and pushing to reach your own target. It was just to scan your matric card so keep in line whatever the line maybe. Maybe there's no queue but there's always a limit to not lining up you know. Pushing is not going to bloody help. I'm tougher than you think I am....I may be just pissed off to write this instead of putting that punch on your face but someone else aren't. So you better change that attitude of yours. Starting acting like a true Malaysian. Oh ya, those who threw water bottles on the road wasn't anymore better than SHE is. Yes that person who pushed me was a SHE. Throwing bottles and plastic packets on the road...what kind of behaviour is that? Littering is an offfense. Find a rubbish bin morons or keep that rubbish in your pocket. no wonder Malaysia is full of litter. All thanks to you people. No wonder we need so many morale lessons and religious lessons....still you people still can't behave well enough. Seriously no wonder people still think we live in tree houses....
Activity gone so so wrong...
Used, tired, tricked and stupid. That’s what I feel right now. I'm so pissed yesterday so I came up with this but this is my perspective of things so deal with it. I woke up 5.30 a.m. yesterday morning to what I thought was a part of my 7 Pillars program I had to attend because it’s compulsory. Walking 20 something kilometers for nothing. I spend almost 9 hours wasting all my effort. (4 hours alone was walking…) What exactly was the objective of this activity? To train our discipline and strength? Exposing us to the hot sun? Walking as a fun thing? All of that I can bear just fine. Walking wasn’t much of a problem since I have walked further distance than that. What I felt was totally unnecessary and inappropriate was what they had called a ‘peace rally’. Some of us felt we were tricked into this so-called rally. The rally only started at the end of the walk to I think we all will participate without having any choice.
Boycotting Israeli products? I don’t understand what’s all this about actually? Does boycotting actually going to help stop the Israeli militant from killing the innocents? Would they even have heard of this protest? Was it all just for show? I don’t know…what I know is I refuse to be caught in what I felt is not right. Protest however peaceful it is just feels wrong to me… Boycotting doesn’t help anything…..I don’t want to blame anyone but I feel it’s my own decision whether or not I am willing to support any causes. I don’t need anyone to decide that for me. I’m not a heartless or unsympathetic person but whether or not I would want to do anything of this sort is up to me not YOU. Here you are taking away my choice my rights as a citizen of Malaysia to determine whether I want to do this or not. When we have started out this activity yesterday morning, I have no idea anyone was going to do that. I would not have participated if I knew this thing is happening simply because I don’t like this kind of things. The reason I'm so angerd about the rally is that no one actually ask our permission to be part of it. We were roped into it whether we like it or not. I was only there to do my 7 Pillars. Not to go for any stupid rally. To me it is all just all for show.
Still, war does not benefit anyone. Whether it is for any cause it is wrong. So is boycotting. It doesn’t help but making the situation worst in my opinion. The economy is bad enough and by engraving it to that situation why not do something more beneficial. Instead of boycotting why not we understand the situation here. Let me ask you a question. This message asking us to boycott these products like McD and KFC, these companies are not Israeli companies. They are donating to them that’s true but whether or not the war is started is not decided by them. It is Tel-Aviv that decides that. They are mainly US-owned companies and some people might think we should also boycott them since US supports Israel.
“This kind of thinking is like hitting someone who is cheering for the assailant mugging someone. But that’s not really the point of the problem.”
I think we should just simply say NO to war, terrorism and violence there will never be an end to all of this if we don’t help change this matter together. If we would just stop fighting for once. What Palestinians need now is medical aid, food, water and international help. Instead of boycott, we should donate rather than boycott. The article I read in The Star newspaper today is really interesting and cannot be more true...
“Let us focus on the correct ultimate aim. Whatever our religious and cultural differences, peace is always preferable over war. We must be willing to condemn anybody who steps in the way of our goal. We should expect Jews worldwide to condemn Israeli use of phosphorus bombs, and pro-Palestinians must similar be upset at cross-border rocket attacks in Hamas. We must be willing to attack ourselves in a louder voice than we attack each other. Peace cannot be a one-sided thing where we proudly criticize the Goliath while continue to turn a blind eye to catapults that pester him. I feel it is a more effective route than a boycott is to seek like-minded people from the other side who also agree that we should seek peace above all else. Don’t go to a masjid to hear an anti-Israel ceramah; go to a synagogue to find Jews who condemn the war. Make friends with them, take the first step together towards a common goal.”
I feel that the writer couldn’t have been more right. If you have read his article (Sunday Star 18 Jan09) you will agree with him. Open up you Sunday Star if you miss that and read it.
P.S. Some companies they think we should boycott hire millions of our workers here in Malaysia. Should they boycott by stop working?? It is preposterous to think like that. So don’t boycott. Oh, by the way….I just had KFC this afternoon…couldn’t resist it…not that I am supporting the boycott anyway.
Boycotting Israeli products? I don’t understand what’s all this about actually? Does boycotting actually going to help stop the Israeli militant from killing the innocents? Would they even have heard of this protest? Was it all just for show? I don’t know…what I know is I refuse to be caught in what I felt is not right. Protest however peaceful it is just feels wrong to me… Boycotting doesn’t help anything…..I don’t want to blame anyone but I feel it’s my own decision whether or not I am willing to support any causes. I don’t need anyone to decide that for me. I’m not a heartless or unsympathetic person but whether or not I would want to do anything of this sort is up to me not YOU. Here you are taking away my choice my rights as a citizen of Malaysia to determine whether I want to do this or not. When we have started out this activity yesterday morning, I have no idea anyone was going to do that. I would not have participated if I knew this thing is happening simply because I don’t like this kind of things. The reason I'm so angerd about the rally is that no one actually ask our permission to be part of it. We were roped into it whether we like it or not. I was only there to do my 7 Pillars. Not to go for any stupid rally. To me it is all just all for show.
Still, war does not benefit anyone. Whether it is for any cause it is wrong. So is boycotting. It doesn’t help but making the situation worst in my opinion. The economy is bad enough and by engraving it to that situation why not do something more beneficial. Instead of boycotting why not we understand the situation here. Let me ask you a question. This message asking us to boycott these products like McD and KFC, these companies are not Israeli companies. They are donating to them that’s true but whether or not the war is started is not decided by them. It is Tel-Aviv that decides that. They are mainly US-owned companies and some people might think we should also boycott them since US supports Israel.
“This kind of thinking is like hitting someone who is cheering for the assailant mugging someone. But that’s not really the point of the problem.”
I think we should just simply say NO to war, terrorism and violence there will never be an end to all of this if we don’t help change this matter together. If we would just stop fighting for once. What Palestinians need now is medical aid, food, water and international help. Instead of boycott, we should donate rather than boycott. The article I read in The Star newspaper today is really interesting and cannot be more true...
“Let us focus on the correct ultimate aim. Whatever our religious and cultural differences, peace is always preferable over war. We must be willing to condemn anybody who steps in the way of our goal. We should expect Jews worldwide to condemn Israeli use of phosphorus bombs, and pro-Palestinians must similar be upset at cross-border rocket attacks in Hamas. We must be willing to attack ourselves in a louder voice than we attack each other. Peace cannot be a one-sided thing where we proudly criticize the Goliath while continue to turn a blind eye to catapults that pester him. I feel it is a more effective route than a boycott is to seek like-minded people from the other side who also agree that we should seek peace above all else. Don’t go to a masjid to hear an anti-Israel ceramah; go to a synagogue to find Jews who condemn the war. Make friends with them, take the first step together towards a common goal.”
I feel that the writer couldn’t have been more right. If you have read his article (Sunday Star 18 Jan09) you will agree with him. Open up you Sunday Star if you miss that and read it.
P.S. Some companies they think we should boycott hire millions of our workers here in Malaysia. Should they boycott by stop working?? It is preposterous to think like that. So don’t boycott. Oh, by the way….I just had KFC this afternoon…couldn’t resist it…not that I am supporting the boycott anyway.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year 2009!!!
The new year has finally arrived....Happy New Year 2009. Didn't do much for New Year Eve. Just have dinner with my closest friends and stayed at home till countdown....No pic though...

Went to F.A.M.E., Mois and QE2 for awhile after that...For FREE!!! Too many people but it was really fun getting in for free....Cool huh...Still like Singapore's clubs...there are smoke-free there. Malaysian should have smoke-free clubs too. Hopefully will have them soon because I really don't like the smoke....
Christmas at Korean Palace...yummy...The food was delicious and affordable. I ate till I was really full.

Went to F.A.M.E., Mois and QE2 for awhile after that...For FREE!!! Too many people but it was really fun getting in for free....Cool huh...Still like Singapore's clubs...there are smoke-free there. Malaysian should have smoke-free clubs too. Hopefully will have them soon because I really don't like the smoke....
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