Pictures From My Mom's Convocation In Tanjung Malim, Perak(The one I couldn't download last week...idiotic computer..)

My parents and me at my mom's convo in Perak

My mom and me at her uni...UPSI

Don't I look cute in graduation robes...but I'm not even in uni yet..

The rose is nice right.....I look like a tango dancer with the red rose...haha's time to party...oops Graduate...

See a graduation teddy kawaii!!

Isn't the little girl cute.....she looks so sweet and angelic...but with a skeleton on her blouse....ironic...hehehe

My dad....hehehe...don't he look funny in the hat...haha

Look at the nice...too bad they die fast...
Oh ya
Happy 50th Independence Day, Malaysia......Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!!!!'s tomorrow, our beloved country's independence day.....the 31st of the month...Month of August 1957...Liberty, liberty forever liberty....and remember to watch the parade on school band is in the parade performance too....haha