It was a very hectic day...our school's Musical Concert. The Student Council spent a lot of time preparing for this concert and everyone hope that it will turn out to be a huge success. It was what I would describe as a Great success...preparing for it was hectic...everyone was working hard to make this event the best ever, so a lot of energy and effort was put into it...especially those in Student's Council and of course the performers. I was one of the performers....I was a dancer in the concert....We are called the Senoritas.....sexy name huh...haha....The concert tickets were priced at RM 20...a lot of people including me...thought the tickets wouldn't sell out....luckily my assumptions were wrong and the night sessions tickets were sold out...there still was the afternoon session...the tickets were not really selling so they sold it for RM10 and well you can say the tickets sold were half of the night session's. I had lots of fun dancing in the cincert....I freaked out but luckily I didn't make any huge mistakes in my steps.....besides that, the hall..(we hold the concertin Dewan Budaya USM...in collaboration with USM)...was quite dark so I don't really have a good view of the audience which tome is a good thing as I wasn't that scared....(you can't be scared if you don't see anyone can you...haha) It was an amazing concert...thanks to all those behind the scenes workers...the Student's Councils....A fantastic night and afternoon I shall say....performances on that day were just fairly good...some were not so good...like the singing(some were off-key...terribly embarassing to me...)..some were boring..(like keroncong...people almost fell asleep)...some were amazing..(like the acapella...indian dance and our dance hehe...)...and some simply inspiring..(like the hip-hop break dancing....cheerleading...asmara dana dance). Overall the concert is one great success...at least that is what I think...