Through sparkles or sprinkles, rain or shine, always believe in yourself. Through the rain, there's a brighter day. If there's a will, there's always a way. Always keep the faith.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Barbeque on the beach.....
Yesterday, I went to a barbeque at the beach a friend of my organised...There were only around 10 people but it was quite fun...I love sitting on the beach on windy day like yesterday. When the sun was bloody beautiful...I ate quite a few chicken wings and drumstick and was very full...It was the kind of really small group queit relaxing hangout..The bbq ( I am too lazy to write barbeque..haha) was actually planned by a friend from primary school. Although I'm not too fond of eating chicken slightly covered by sand blowed up on the food by the wind....haha....but sitting at the beach chatting with one of my longest friend, Yi Thying was fun. I enjoy sitting on the beach listening to the waves I have quite a fun time but a bit more friends wouldn't have done any harm because I really feel a bit weird since bbq should have more people for more fun right?? So now I can say I've done lots of stuff this holidays although I didn't leave the Penang island at all......Haiz, maybe next year? Somewhere fun that don't need too much cash....hahaha...
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas Time.....
My friends and I decided to do something special we never did before during Christmas. So on Christmas eve, I went to the church..I know I told you i'm not a Christian, still going to a church on Christmas is some experience...I went to the one at Green Lane although I don't know what it is called...The building of the church is really beautiful and serene looking....There were people singing Christmas carol outside of the church.....we went in and I saw an amazing structure and design that really is elegant...the church was really amazing looking.....The church started with a bit of Christmas Carol and the choir was amazing....their voice was beautiful...I really like singing so it was really wonderful hearing melody so sweet.....I have to say it was one of those really wonderful experience...although we went back early (it was 12 midnight...a bit late to me already) and I never had the chance to listen to those Christmas hymm like Jingle Bells or even Silent Night..I felt quite peaceful that day to experince a Christmas time at church...........
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Christmas is coming...
Hohohohoho....Merry Christmas.....sadly there's no snow in Malaysia and very humid so the Christmas mood here is a bit different.....i'm not a Christian but well I celebrate almost every festival there's fun you know.....i just love the holidays, sadly all of this is coming to an end..the new year is coming after Christmas then I'll start school again...haiz...Holidays seems to pass by so just a week or more school is starting and I'll have to work hard because it's the STPM coming soon...actually I should be studying hard now but lazy me won't seems to cooperate to start studying......I realize I didn't do much this holidays besides playing, wasting my money and fooling around...I should wake up and realize I'm eighteen already...grow up!! But hey I can't stop being a kid..I love being a's better than growing up...But everyone grows up I I'll probably get serious sometime soon..but I'm serious sometimes really....Haiz.... Merry Christmas to everyone and God bless us everyone...(hehe..that's from the book 'Christmas Carol' )
Sunday, December 17, 2006
My Very First time......
Remember the date...16 December very first time...doing what you say? I went clubbing..finally haha...After making plans for so long and not daring to ask my parents, I finally went. It was quite fun and enjoyable. We went to a club called Glo in town. I went with Hui Ting, Siaw Ping, Wei Ping, Hui Ping and Siaw Ping's sisters. Yes, this is my first time clubbing and although my feet hurt like hell, I really enjoy dancing in the club that day which is yesterday and we can say today too since it was until 2 something a.m in the morning today. I know two a.m. seems really early to all those experience clubbers out there but i better not push my chances too far... My first time clubbing and although I manage to ask for permission from my parents to go, I try not to go home too late or not maybe they wouldn't let me go next time. The dancing was fun but if there is a next time I swear I won't wear such a high heels...gawd my damn feet hurt.....I'm lucky I didn't actually fell because my leg was in too much pain. I almost did a few times and manage to grab the table to balance myself. It was not as noisy as I expected though but i don't really like the smell of the air. When I went home I smell like feet hurt and yet I had quite a great time. I drank a few glasses of Chivas mixed with Coca-Cola which isn't really bad because all I tasted was Coke...haha and I only drank around three glasses so no harm done...It was a bit empty when we went since it was only around 11. Then when it gets late....gosh people were practically everywhere untill there's no place to stand. I got up to the stage to dance with my friends and it was so crowded and hot I was sweating like hell...My hair was wet from all the sweat...but it was fun dancing on stage..I was a bit embrassed at first but hey it was dark and no one can actually see that it was I just dance to the music. When we finally decided to go home, my feet was hurting like hell already ( Gosh how many times have I said this...but it really does hurt from all those dancing in high heels..) so as soon as we got out from the Glo I took off my shoes my walk bare foot..that feels like heaven....hahaha.. We went and drink "Teh Tarik" at a mamak stall and sat down chatting a while before going home. A few of my friends went clubbing before already. Hui Ping, Wei Ping and I has not been to it at it was really a new fun experience for me and them....Although I still prefer reading romance novels to dancing in clubs...( I know I'm weird for enjoying reading romance novels but I can't help liking it..beside everybody got their own favourite past time and that's my favourite past time..haha)As I say although I would prefer a few things than to go clubbing, going clubbing and dancing to enjoy myself once in a while is really no harm done...Though I can't go too many times, my parents would kill me and I don't have that much of my money to go so many times..(it cost around RM 50 everytime) I don't really like spending my money that way...rather buy novels to read..haha. But there's a conclusion to everything..clubbing is really fun as long as you don't do drugs or get too drunk and do stupid stuff ( which I think is kinda pathetic) it really is a great experience to go clubbing as long as you know your limit.....Cheers to my first time clubbing.....Yeah!!!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Going to campnights....
Camping....haiz..recently went to watch the PFS Traplex and CTC campnight....I use to really like going to this kind of stuff..but it really has lost its quality..scouting and guiding these days are really much more to the social side than to learn camping skills and knowledge...I think most people would think camping nowadays in school are really a waste of time and money..I can't say I agree on this but I don't disagree either..yes...nowadays scounting and guiding are more to socialising but we do learn knowledge on survival skills and have fun at the same time..there's no harm in having some fun in the process right? As a girl guide and a ranger, of course I'm a bit bias but still i really did learn something during my guiding days... well back to campnights..I met a few of my friends that I haven't meet for a long time there...Somehow campnights are sort of a gathering to many of meet and to have a bit catching friends and I have a long chat too...we barely pay attention to the campnight instead we were chatting and laughing away. It's really fun to chat with my friends....we talk about all kinds of stuff and what's happening around us...of couse and gossiping..what to do girls..we gossip all the time haha...not that we ever talk bad about people..we just want to know what's happening around us that's all...So in one way campnights are really good for meeting up back with friends...such fun...
A surprise for my friend....
I wanted to update yesterday but hell....yesterday my brother was hanging on the computer refusing to let me use it...but I can finally use it...well i actually want to tell you about yesterday night. We make a plan a few days ago...We decided to go to a friend's house and suprise her the night before her we actually went and bought her a cake which has drawing of a blackboard and put in a mickey lollipop on was such a kiddish cake haha...suits our friend who is the youngest of our gang of best friends (which actually consists of 7 very crazy girls..8 if you add Wei Ping)....we decide to surprise her so we didn't tell her we were coming except for a friend who she thought was returning her was so funny she saw us bringing in the cake and she actually close the gate to not let us in...we sang her a bithday song and she seems really embarassed....we bought her a mickey necklace because she really likes mickey. ( at least we think she does..she do does she??) i like it when we get together sometimes it really seems so much fun...that's the best thing of having a friend, to share joy and happiness isn't that right...haha well Juin, Happy 18th Birthday to you..(her birthday's today..we celebrated it yesterday for her) may all your dreams come true...hope mine does too...haha
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Friends and family....that I have...
I don't know why but I always envied those with boyfriends or girlfriends...they look so happy and well sweet together... It really makes me wonder why I'm single... Hey, its not that I'm that bad looking am I? I hope I am not... Maybe I'm too picky..but i really think there's really someone out there that's right for me... Like I said before I'm too stuborn too let go off something maybe I'm too stuborn too let go off my freedom being single..( That's probably an excuse being single...haha) Seeing how people can find a person to share their life with really makes me envious of their have someone to cherish, to care and to love is a really an amazing thing...I know I'm talking crap again but just bear with me...I can't help to be wanting a person to share my laughter and tears can I? Maybe I'm really destined to be lonely... I guess I should be thankful I have friends I can share my life with...I can't imagine how life would be without my friends and before I can find my Mr Right, I guess I have my bunch of friends who are always ready to share my laughter and tears...
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Shopping at Pasar Malam...
I went to a pasar malam near my house today...i know it is nothing special about going to a pasar malam or night market....but..there's always a but haha...I have not been to the pasar malam near my house for more than four years or i went with three of my friends... It was fun...There were lot of food in the pasar makes me so hungry...I guess I cannot resist food...I ate some japanese octopus ball, cakes, soya bean drink, fish balls and mangoes...Yum Yum.... I know I eat too much, I'm getting fat..I even bought some sweet...did you know that 26 sweets only cost RM 1..i think it is cheap... Hui Ting, Hui Ping, Siaw Ping and me went around the pasar malam to look at clothes and accessories ( i think I spell it wrong...paiseh..) They are a lot of clothes that I like but I got no money so I can't buy...I spend lots of time looking at accessories too but I decided not to buy since I don't really have money...Nevertheless I really enjoy my time going out with my friends...Its been a while since I actually spend time with well walking all round was really worth it....
Sunday, November 26, 2006
How to spend time wisely???
Now that it is the holidays, I am wondering how I could spend my time? I considered working but I have tuition classes almost three days a week...working definetely will not suit my time. So now I am pratically spending those days I don't have tuition online and playing computer games. Is this the best way to spend my holidays? I would said a BIG NO.....Going out with my friends can be considered an option but since most of them are busy with their college life and some with their own activities I guess I have to find some entertainment myself. ..Studying is an option too but who studies in this holiday season?? Well, actually those who are hardworking do right...but I am one of those lazy bums....Maybe I can go help some charity team or something....or I could just surf the internet all day...haha..its a better choice to me....Seriously I am talking crap again... Anyway lately I have been a bit not myself....sleepless nights have got me all crazy...(imagine been awake still at 4.30 a.m.)my sleep routine has gotten all weird...I can't sleep at night and I get all sleepy in the evening so I end up sleeping in the evening and can't sleep at night...Gawd it's really bad for health and you can get fat...I don't want to get fat.... Talking about being fat...recently I went to a yoga friend took me there for the first free trial. It was really fun and I wanted to go again but I can't afford it...Its around RM280 for ten sessions. It was really enjoyable but...there's always the but right...but I got all achey my whole body after that...I'm still aching...I even went hiking in the morning before I went to yoga at the evening...Why trhe sudden urge to do so many exercise you say...I guess because I am really out of shape..I should start practicing yoga myself..(hmm..great way to spend time right...should do it..) Its good for health and I can relax maybe I should do it more often..(I saw many aunties and career women there doing yoga even my friend's mom do it real maybe I should start) I guess enough of me talking crap..yaya... bye...
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Holidays here....

Hey hey..its finally the school holidays...yeh..yeh...haiiz...its not that fun really. Since next year is already STPM...have to work harder...but still not studying...pathetic huh. The final day in school this year was really fun...we have a class party with another class and took funny weird pictures...remember I said before that I'll show you my class which is painted in pink and peach and is so romantic...well actually its kind of a dark class...well here it is..haha...we took lots of pictures that day...we made all those funny looks that we laugh at ourself....I've always said that I never want to go back for Form 6 and how hard it is but actually going back to Form 6 now made me realise how dependent I am on my teachers and friends...I guess a part of me is not independent enough to face life in college where you have to study yourself.....I needed the time in Form 6 to truly grow up and be more independent. I can't depend on anyone to decide what's good or bad in my life...I need to start to think of my future...I really want to be a pharmacist although now I'm studying physics so I think I will probably study Applied Science or Chemical Engineering but I don't know what I want to do yet...going back to Form 6 is a correct decision I think but I guess I have to wo

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Why some thing are so hard to let go of......
I went to a friends' party was her birthday so we went to celebrate...we played a lot of childish games like Heart-attack and was kind of fun.....we were like little kids playing all those funny games...her boyfriend was so romantic....he actually gave her a necklace inside a box which he have put inside the cake he brought for her. Suddenly that makes me sad...I wonder why I can't find someone too.. Maybe I'm destined to be lonely... I have a crush on someone...someone I know very long already...I don't know why but it seems I can't forget him..maybe i am just a person too stuborn to let go of someone easily...Maybe I should just tell him how I feel and then just let go...I don't want to hang on something that never will happen anymore...but I am so afraid I will lose him as a friend...I just don't know what to do.....i seriously sound pathetic and I guess I never imagine I would still like him after all these years..I have a crush on him since years ago and gosh that seems so long already since I am already 18....I hate myself...really... just let go...but I just can't...why???? Haiz I should actually get over it...
Friday, November 03, 2006
School Cultural Day, REMUP

Yesterday, my school held a cultural day which was called Hari REMUP....although I actually don't know what REMUP stands for...hehe. Students had to wear traditional clothing to school and many i saw wore very beautiful and colourful clothing. Some wore kebaya, cheongsam, sari and others. The whole school was like a parade of colours. It was really wonderful. All classes were asked to bring food and hold their own parties. There were even cultural perfomances that day.I myself have been included in the cultural dance performance. There were many performances that day such as a sketch, Indian dance, Boria and even a fashion show. I wore a blue and white kebaya to school. Everyone said I look like an air stewardess...hahaha.... I was quite buzy that day since I have to prepare for our chinese fan dance, so I did not have much chances to take pictures with my friends or eat all the delicious traditional food. I had my hair tied up very nicely by a friend who i must say have such talent in tying hair. Her hair tying skills are superb..myhair was really nice that day. I wore a samfu and a pair of slacks for the dance. I was really nervous but luckily I did quite well in the dance even though we have only practiced for about a week. So I was really proud of myself since I am normally a very slow learning clumsy person.It was really exciting to be able to see all kinds of different traditional clothes and people. It makes me feel really proud about our Malaysian culture and diversity. Despite our differences in race, culture and language, we are a group of united people. So unity is really power.....I love our multi-cultural independent country...Malaysia BOLEH!!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
First Deepavali open house visit
On the 21st of October 2006, i went to my friend's house for was really fun considering i'm Chinese and i never visit a Deepavali festivities at someone's house before. Together with a bunch of classmate, i went to Sunshine Square to buy her a hamper....we should not visit someone's house empty handed don't you think? Although i had to drive there (which pratically cost a lot of petrol usage) it was really exciting since i never visit a friend's Deepavali openhouse. When we reach there, her family and my friend were very kind and welcoming. They gave us lots of very yummy delicious cookies and cakes and not to forget muruku...her mother is a really great cook...should copy recipe from her...then we had dinner which was delicious. The mutton curry was so nice...everything was delicious..i had lots of fun...we chit chat and chit chat until it was time to go home..well i guess you can say that was the best part of my holidays...since there was nothing much for my holidays...but have no fear the holidays isn't over....haha it rhymes...okie..that's all....bye...
In a holiday mood i am not...
Hey hey, i'm still on the one week holidays yet i'm so terribly bored already. Why do others get to go for vacations while i am always the one ending up staying at home and watch tv or sleep only....why?? Today i woke up early just to go for tuition...i was so sleepy in tuition and had no one to talk to since my only friend in tuition has gone to Thailand for a vacation. How lucky isn't it? I always wanted to travel. But for someone like me who don't have a passport or money to travel, i guess sticking to watching the Discovery Travel channel is the most suitable. Although sometimes watching it makes you really hungry and you yearn even more to really go to all the places they show...sad sad thing not being able to see and experienc the culture in Japan or visit historical beautiful building in Europe. Someday, i am going to try and visit them...someday...... which is definetely in the near future...since i can't afford going places like these yet.... i am day-dreaming again....i tend to day-dream to much recently...maybe its because i haven't find satisfaction in my life and achieve something. I should try harder...Kamate yo....
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A stroke of luck??
Recently, i won a contest in Galaxie, an entertainment magazine and i begin to wonder whether i'm starting to get lucky this year since i also won a lucky draw contest in school..( was just an umbrella that i won)...but still its consider an achievement for someone who doesn't win anything inlucky draws and contest for the past five years or more..Unfortunately the pair of Crocs which i won from the lucky draw contest was way too big for my feet...lolz..that i have to give it to my dad...Since winning the contest i started subscribing to Galaxie and join more competetion. Hopefully i will be able to get lucky again...i never was lucky considering how unlucky i am financially or in love.....since i don't even have a boyfriend and never had a how pathetic am I? Very......but still considering i have lots of friends and family makes me feel better because i will always have them to take care of me...I guess we will always have to view a glass half full and not half empty.....
Friday, October 20, 2006
I guess you can say i'm a pathetic blogger. i can't seems to find time to blog. First the idiotic computer goes haywired then there's the exam. I don't even have a chance to actually find time to blog. I have to say now that i have a week off from school, sudddenly i've got nothing to do. God, i'm so bored....Basically all my life there's just studying, exam, tv or sleep...There's no actual fun in my life. I want something exciting to happen to me like falling in love perhaps? Haha.. But my life is so predictable...i study and study then i get bad results's just the same old thing...I always wonder whether i am born in this life just to die...yayaya i know that different people would leave some impact on your life and yours on theirs but do i really affect and change people's life merely by being born in this world? Sometimes its kind of hard to say whether i have done anything i think i should be proud of. Sadly i still think i don't deserve to have a good life when i see in news and tv there are many others still suffering....don't you think? What i know is that life is too precious too be wasted. I think i should try to find the best part of myself and just try to make others happy. I should really do that i guess....
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Painting A Romance
The title isn't like what you think it is. It's actually about me and my classmates painting our classroom. Aftre painting it everyone proclaimed it to be such a romantic room. (It was painted rose pink and peach) It's kinda like cotton candy sweet to be in the room. It was really fun really. We had a great time painting it. Although my t-shirt was painted with colours too but still it was fun. Climbing onto tables and chairs cos we don't have ladders. It was a moment of fun and hard labour too. Hahaha...since our school have "forced" us to painted them. We decided to make it more exciting by painting it different from other classes. I should show you guys the picture someday...soon..
(Stairway to heaven..........)
(My classmates n me)
( The contrasting colours of the walls)

(The even contrasting colours of the curtain with the wall)
(Reddish pink and blue don't really go together)

(The even contrasting colours of the curtain with the wall)
(Reddish pink and blue don't really go together)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
After the whole world Cup thingy, life kind of mellow down. Well besides the Zidane headbutt thing which is pratically in news everywhere. I am studying in Form 6 currently and i hate it. The teachers suck..they don't come in to classes and don't speak correct English to teach. What's the government doing? These lousy teachers shouldn't be allow to teach at all. There really are plenty of graduated new teachers out there but are they capable of teaching? My opinion, absolutely not. These teachers are not qualified i hate the education system. Something should be done to improve it. The government are not taking serious measures on how this would affect us, the future generation of adults. Now i'm sounding like an old naggy lady. But seriously what would happen to the future of Malaysia if the future generation are not educated in the right manner ? Think about it......
Monday, July 10, 2006
SobZ....France lost...
Sobz...sobz...i'm so sad France lose to Italy. I wanted them so badly too win. But still i'm proud to say i supported France even though they lose. Since the game was played at 2.ooam Malaysian time i didn't sleep a wink yesterday night. I was too anxious to see the game. Then after the game which France lost to penalty kicks 5 to 2 because of their very unuseful goalkeeper Fabien Barthez i couldn't sleep thinking of their loss. Then came the morning, i went to school feeling unsleepy at all but when i went to tuition this afternoon...haha...disaster much of a disaster actually. I just felt so damn sleepy that's all couldn't even concentrate what the teacher is talking all about. It's really too bad France lose to Italy but i still think they played with style yesterday. I have to admit Italy played the better game yesterday but Zidane was great as always. Italy played the 'beautiful game' with all those good passes. But France didn't fail to shine either. So overall, i think my World Cup experience was quite enjoyable even though my favourite team losses a throphy just a few inches away...till the next World Cup then...we will see....
Friday, July 07, 2006
Rooting for France anyone?
I'm not really pro in football but i do know a bit about the game. I know plenty of people who really love Brazil and England's football team but hey i'm rooting for France. So imagine my thrill that France actually beat Brazil in the quarter finals. (Though i think Brazil really didn't play up to their real standards that day and coud play better) Too bad for Brazil and goodies for France..haha. Then there's the semi- finals against Portugal. Hurray for France for beating Portugal. I know i'm really mean but it felt really good to see Cristiano Ronaldo in tears. I truly did not like Protugal because they simply didn't play it fair. Just look at the game with England, i personally think they sucks since they couldn't even beat a 10 men England team. Some players are really great like Luis Figo but i simply can't admire those who played to me like a cheat such as Cristiano Ronaldo. Well hey i should stop yapping bout them and concentrate on my beloved team France...hahaha. France with old experienced players like ribery, zidane and Thuram even Henry does well compare to younger teams. they may not have a good start in the World Cup but they played the game better everytime. Zinedine Zidane the captain was amazing. The techniques and moves he makes were really great. I really hope he would perform even better in the finals and beat Italy. Italy's a great team but hey i like France so of course i'm rooting for them. So cheers for France......Go France....
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